FORCE REPAIR partner Akribes Biomedical attended the annual ETRS meeting

Amersfoort, Netherlands – FORCE REPAIR partner Akribes Biomedical, attended the annual ETRS meeting in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, from September 25 - 27, 2024.

The Annual Meeting 2024 of the European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS) was a joint meeting in collaboration with the Wound Healing Society (WHS) and the SkinTERM Innovative Training Network (EU MSCA Grant Number 955722). This year many presentations focused on skin wounds, chronic and burn wounds in particular, as well as scarring, emphasizing the importance of these topics for research and the development of new products with proven efficacy in clinical use.

ETRS_webThe artwork "Werk aan de Muur" by Aad Trompert featured in the conference announcement presents a collection of impressions from the meeting location, Amersfoort, NL. This city was recently named "European City of the Year," making it an excellent choice by the organizers for this international science meeting.

Dr. Petra Dörfler, a senior scientist at Akribes Biomedical, presented a poster providing an overview of a cell-based assay developed by Akribes. The assay used primary human dermal fibroblasts and wound exudates from individual patients for a “humanized and personalized model of chronic wounds”. This assay system was also shown to serve as a screening platform for the identification and characterization of potential chronic wound therapeutics. The latter in particular provides the basis for the collaboration of Akribes with the FORCE REPAIR partners to profile novel materials developed in the course of the project. These ex vivo tests in a human-relevant system will support and potentially guide complex bioengineering efforts.

ETRS%20Meeting%20venueLocation of the meeting - Eenhoorn Meeting Center.

Impressions%20PDAmersfoort, Netherlands

  • If you would like to learn more about Akribes, visit Akribes - Precision Medicine for Chronic Wounds on their website.